Welcome to the PTSA Clubs Page:
Last year during the rough Covid Time, the PTSA felt it was very important to provide our students Social/Emotional Interaction with peers:
Most club memberships begin in October 2021.
Iff the club's button listed below has not yet been connected to a link, then the club will have information provided soon.
Back popular demand - this club was first created in the fall of 2020 due to the Covid Pandemic! Mr. Gandi Rahaj will be leading this group again with his team of amazing volunteers!!!!!! There will be weekly meetings on Friday evenings! Students will have a chance to compete in competions! All instructions is currently virtual until the spring of 2022! We have room for 50 participants again this year! |
PTSA Battle of the Books Reading Clubs:This year the reading club will be reading battle of the books, but we will need to read a little bit faster than last year, as we hope to create a competion through the Trojan Olympiad in which students will be able to join Battle of the Books Team not only at school, BUT also with PTSA!
Click on the Reading clubs page to the right to sign up by November 25th. All In Person and Virtual students will need to pay $10 to be a part of the club.
All In Person students may be a part of the virtual and the In Person clubs. Teams will be decided in January 2022. |
Garden and Landscape Clubs
PTSA Garden and Landscape Club: Newly formed and very exciting to have as we take care of all the work that accumulated on the grounds while we were gone during Covid! Click the button to see all the amazing work our group has already done!